We Removed 21,000 Tree Stumps – DG Ghana Maritime Authority

The Director General of the Ghana Marital Authority, Mr Thomas Alonsi has revealed that his outfit has succeeded in removing a colossal twenty one thousand tree stumps from the Volta lake and it’s tributaries from 2018 to 2020 to ensure smooth transportation . He made this revelation when he addressed the Press in Accra on Wednesday to throw light on GMA’s Activities in a period under review.
He indicated that the exercise cost the authority a great deal of money but he could not put a figure to it. He explained that it was difficult to adduce any cost at that materials judging from the intricacies of the whole operation but he assured the press to release the figure at the nearest future.
The exercise took place in towns along the Volta lake and the Oti river. Mr Alonsi said having removed the tree stumps transportation on the lake look very safe and quick as the main obstacles were these stumps. “We have created a pathway for the easy movement by commuters on the which over the years created hazards on the lake. We will continue to remove the rest as time goes on. Even though some of the stumps are of commercial value but we would not sell but we are going to give them out to loca lacal chiefs to share for their subjects.
” It would be recalled that during the time of Hon Alex Hammer a Canadian company was hired to remove the stump but could not finish . The former CEO of GMA Mr. Kwame Owusu also contracted a foreign company to remove the stumps but he was removed from office ,however the current CEO has had to continue the project hence the success story.
The Director General hinted that he has procured so weed scammers to also remove the water hycinths on the lake which also obstruct transportation and fishing on the lake. As a result of this development, the perrenial accidents on the lake would be considerably reduced and travel time will be reduced .
However, he lamented the human element of drunk driving, refusal to comply with the safety measures prescribed by the authority. However he promised that every effort would be devised to ensure safety on the lake and it’s tributaries.
Source :Nana Poku /johnawuniktv@gmail.com