KiDi storms ‘Our Day’ at Oswald’s school

KiDi kept his promise to young Oswald and his classmates as he performs at the end of school term celebration, Our Day, at the Christ Ambassador School.
Since last night, the conversation blowing hot on social media is a letter Oswald, a pupil of Christ Ambassadors school, wrote to his mother concerning Our Day celebrations at his school. His mother’s colleague shared the contents with his Twitter followers after reading, and before long, everyone, including KiDi, wanted to surprise Oswald with the best Our Day ever!

The letter, which included his carefully scribbled doodle of ceres drink, sought to remind his mother of her promise as he had fulfilled his end of the bargain by performing well in his exams. Among the things, 9-year-old Oswald asked for included biscuits, drink, chocolate, pringles and his iPad.

This humble request touch the hearts of many Ghanaians and corporate bodies who pledged their support to make Oswald’s Our Day a memorable day indeed!