What Sugar Tone’s Father Has To Say About Using Marijuana

Music producer, Sugar Tone’s, father says marijuana has many benefits that cause people to advocate for its usage but it can also be a way for one to be affected by it spiritually.
He explained that, while he knows his son, Sugar Tone, is under the influence of drugs, he believes there are other spiritual battles affecting him.
Speaking to Adom TV’s Sister Sandy in an exclusive interview, Okyeame Kwame Bediako, said he is not against marijuana because it has many potent benefits.
Additionally, he said his son was introduced to drugs after he encountered late musician Daasebre Gyamenah.
Weed is not a sin because if you go abroad it’s sold at coffee shops… People use it for various reasons.. Even snakes love weed. Women use it for hair products. I know it’s not a bad thing. But some family members can also use that as a channel to destroy your life, he said.
SOURCE: adomonline