Count on me; I’ll personally lead negotiations for salary increment – TUC boss assures workers

Secretary-General of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Dr Yaw Baah has assured workers that he will personally lead the negotiations to ensure that they get the right percentage for salary increments.
He asked workers to count on him that he will negotiate effectively this year.
Speaking at a forum in Accra on Thursday April 21, Dr Yaw Baah asked the government to adjust saltries to meet the rising inflation in the country.
He explained that the prices of goods and service go up whenever inflation rises hence the need to always increase salaries.
he said “Employers should index our pay to the inflation because the employers change the prices of their goods so the inflation rate does not affect them the way it is affecting us therefore, we should get our salaries indexed.
“Don’t let us rely too much on government and employers. Let us ask the question, what can we do for ourselves as workers and unions? We will negotiate effectively this year and that one, I want to assure you that I will lead that negotiation.
“We will continue to talk, we will continue to negotiate but if the dialogue fails we are going to embark on an industrial action that has never happened in this country before.”