The flagbearer of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom has promised to drastically improve the living and working conditions of the nation’s security forces once he is voted into office.
According to him, “the PPP plans to improve the conditions of work and life of the people who work in the state institutions.”
The PPP flagbearer in a press statement noted “the conditions under which our security agencies work is deplorable. True Democracy cannot thrive when the security are weak… The living conditions, meaning salaries and housing, must be improved. “
Below is the full statement PPP Deserves the Support of the Security Agencies
On behalf of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), I wish to ask for the full support and the votes of the men and women of the various National Security Agencies. The PPP seeks to build a just, disciplined and prosperous nation. The PPP will form an effective partnership with our security service men and women to make this happen. In Ghana, indiscipline leads to injustice. It results in poverty for the many and wealth for the few. The PPP believes in progressive philosophy. Therefore, we aim to better the living conditions of Ghanaian human beings and ensure continuous progress and improvement in the quality of life of the people.
The PPP plans to improve the conditions of work and life of the people who work in the state institutions. We will do this to ensure that discipline takes root in our society. We will strengthen the institutions given the responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our people.
The conditions under which our security agencies work is deplorable. True Democracy cannot thrive when the security are weak. The world over, national discipline relies on ICT. But for ICT to work, basic and fundamental needs have to be met. Training and education in modern method and procedures of security work must be enhanced. The living conditions, meaning salaries and housing, must be improved. For example, a police, immigration or prison officer must be able to obtain a loan to buy a car and a mortgage to buy or build a house so that peace of mind prevails.
The PPP will seriously implement the national identification system to ensure the use of a common identification from birth until death. We will enforce the use of this national identification for social, banking, business and public sector purposes so we can avoid duplication of identity and allow for unique and secure determination of all citizens and residents. This will allow law enforcement officials to build criminal justice data bases to be used to facilitate the work of our police, courts and others. It will allow the effective building of credit information systems. The tax authorities will be able to tackle all those who should pay tax and help government maximize revenue.
The PPP will bring innovation to our prisons by implementing correctional enterprises – creating jobs and teaching employable skills on a large scale within prison walls. This will mean building prisons with light manufacturing plants to process farm produce, build furniture, repair vehicles, engage in data entry work for the ICT industry etc.
The PPP will bring dignity to work of policemen and policewomen. We will respect the authority of the Police Service. No member of a PPP administration will be allowed to disrespect a police officer. We will all be equal before the service. We will respect the independence of the service. ICT will be implemented in police vehicles and motorcycles to enable them to access w national crime information database to combat crime effectively. This means significantly increasing the transportation available to the service throughout the country.
The Army, Navy, Air Force and Immigration services all face common challenges – how to acquire modern equipment and decent accommodation (housing and offices). This the PPP will work diligently on. The oil and gas discovery puts the country at risk to foreign and domestic challenges.
To help combat indiscipline and corruption in government, President Papa Kwesi Nduom will ensure the passage of the Right to Information Bill. This will promote transparency, accountability and discourage illegal transactions and acts of impunity which the country suffers from.
If everyone who believes in me and the PPP votes for us, Papa Kwesi Nduom and the PPP will win the 7th December 2012 election.
Your vote will make a difference.
Awake Ghana and Vote PPP!
Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom
23 November 2012