Women like sweet conversations & dislike good conversations, most don’t use wrist watch to check time but for life – Rev Kwame Kwarteng

Marriage Counsellor and Pastor, Rev Kwame Kawrteng has spilled out a hard truth about women, predominantly women in relationships and marriages.
The counselor with over 30 years of experience speaking on the subject ‘Building Strong family ties” on Kessben Maakye with Kwame Frimpong Simms minced no words about how most Ghanaian marriages are breaking loose.
Rev Kwartneg stressed that lack of proper communication has been a bane to most marriages noting that most men do not really know how to talk to their partners who mostly are craving for kind words from their partners.
“Do you know why women love pastors that much? Let me tell you. Any pastor who is trained is taught communication, How to talk well.
If you are not a good orator, you can’t be a pastor. That’s why pastors the way we talk is very sweet. That’s why women run to us more when they have issues with their partners.
Women like conversations and they like sweet conversations. But men, they like good conversations, and women, don’t like the good conversations, they like the sweet conversations.
That is why most women, the wristwatches they put on do not work. They don’t use it to check time. Out of 10 women wearing wristwatches, 8 of them are not working, it is just for life.
Jesus Christ is the only man who lived to understand women” Rev Kwarteng said.